Medical Malpractice

How an abdomen ultrasound procedure, Pantoprazole and painkillers damage my kidneys

Published: Mon Nov 11 2019 | Updated: Sun Nov 24 2019

I'm Mark Anthony B. Dungo (December 16, 1988). I'm really the only one where I can rely myself. I'm building and improving myself for a better future until this tragedy occur. If you would like to know the medications that worsen a little bit my mitral valve prolapse, considered reading my previous story.

When there's a time I need to go back to cardiologist Gerry C. Tan because of the pains on both sides of my lower chest, mostly the right side, the doctor says it’s abdomen and request a whole abdomen ultrasound with a prescription. (I soon then remember that I drink pineapple juice around 11PM, I knew my acid tolerance isn't that weak and might become weak by my recent medications.) After a few days, I saw blood in my stool and make a call to schedule for an ultrasound, I now believed that it's caused by my recent problem with hemorrhoids.

  • I fasted 8 hours early in the morning and talked to the clerk receptionist and radiologic technologist Jonah B. Ybañez of the San Juan de Dios Hospital (Pasay, Philippines) ultrasound service, she required me not pee to anymore and wait for a hour.

  • When I got my first whole abdomen ultrasound test, the 1st scan was done on their 2nd ultrasound table. After that, the staff required me to eat and drink a lot of water without urinating and go back if I feel that I really need to pee.

  • After eating, drinking 500mL of water and going back, she ask me to drink another 500mL and it looks like she's prioritizing the doctor.

  • When I tell to her that I feel that I really need to pee, she just replied that there's still a patient pointing to the patient laying in a hospital bed on the front of their 1st ultrasound table even though the 2nd table is free. I don't know if she is just being lazy or the scheduled radiologist Ronald G. Yebes wasn't there, she really doesn't care whatever happened to their patients.

  • Until it reach to the point that I'm overly exceedingly and brutality avoiding to pee. When I can't really take the pain, she used their 2nd table, same where my 1st scan have taken. But it still takes another 5-10 mins because after she scan my bladder, the radiologist Ronald G. Yebes was also not there, making me cry waiting for him saying "Ma'am, can we cancel this?" while she's calling him, no other staff came to me. They don't really know what to do, why the other staff didn't call the radiologist while the radiologic technologist was still scanning me?

  • After the scan, radiologist Ronald G. Yebes loudly says "Go pee, pee all." I attempted to rush, Jonah B. Ybañez asks "Why?" and I go to their comport room. While urinating, most of my urine didn't came out that time.

  • When I came back, Jonah scans me again. She looks shocked, asking "Did you urinate them all?" I replied "Not all came out, maybe later." Then she asked the doctor if he needs to check me again, the doctor declined.

Even uneducated people knew how dangerous and risky is that kind of malpractice. This might initially damage my kidneys or at least give my kidney some sort of a problem, and wish that this never happened. The full abdomen ultrasound’s result is a little bit okay but the process was a nightmare like the technologist Jonah B. Ybañez asks me to drink 2 times of 500 ML of water and to hold my urine like no other, that's brutal and very dangerous to their patients.

Kidney damage. In some people, urinary retention causes urine to flow backward into the kidneys. This backward flow, called reflux, may damage or scar the kidneys. - NIDDK

Upon my follow-up with cardiologist Gerry C. Tan, he said that the result was okay. I tell him about my rectal bleeding. He requested a stool test, occult blood and fecalysis calmly saying "You need to show a proof".

I processed and got my 1st stool test result for occult blood and fecalysis around between November and December, and show it to him. He said that the result was okay and ask me to just take a medicine.

But I had to consult back again because of another blood occurrence on my stool, he requested for another occult blood and fecalysis. This time, I waited for the occurrence to test, and the second result shows that it was positive. (I now believed that it's related to my problem with hemorrhoids.) He ask me if I want to proceed with endoscopy, I refused. Then he ask if I want to redo the ultrasound just to be sure, I also refuse telling the result might be the same. Then he just ask me if I'm eating properly. I also mentioned him the pains on the very sides of my chest. At first he prescribe me 100 pieces of Norgesic Forte, 2 tablets per day, I ask him "Do I need to take them all?" He replied "No, oh well." and revised the number of pieces from 100 to 20.

At first taking it, I felt some lower left abdominal aches (the first time I feel lower abdominal ache upon taking medicine). I stop Norgesic Forte on the 2nd day when I still feel some abdominal ache upon taking the 3rd tablet.

Upon going back to cardiologist Gerry C. Tan. Norgesic Forte Tab was replaced by Neurobion Forte (vitamin B complex). He also suggest me to just take Pantopraz and Gaviscon for my stomach issue.

I check the hospital's doctors list and look for a regular family physician and found Dr. Maria Lourdes T. Melendres because I know that my lower left abdominal aches needs to be checked. I showed her my 1st whole abdomen ultrasound result and told her about the ultrasound procedure issue. She told me that it's okay and said that "Your kidney just have a little water in it." and just asked "Like there's urine left inside after you pee?" She also said these about the aches "It might be an air/gas on your abdomen? Is the aches moving around your abdomen?" Then she told me to just continue taking Pantoprazole and requested a urinalysis and occult blood & fecalysis. I returned with all good results but comeback again and she re-requested for another occult blood and fecalysis, return back and mentioned her some sort of my chest pain. She just ended up referring me to gastroenterologist with prescription mistake, had a bad experience on that day because her assistant start fighting the old doctor when it's my turn to be checked. I didn't take any of the prescribed medicines, but I guess, that resulted me to overthink making me dizzy, not sure if that's exactly the cause.

I then go to internist-cardiology Albert S. Ang for that dizziness and desperately showcase him everything about my medical history. He checked me with their E.C.G. and prescribed me an anti-vertigo medication. He told that "It's not good to take medicine, especially if you don't have a disease" and mentions to consult a psychiatrist before going back. Upon taking Betahistine, a little ache on my lower left abdomen occurs again, I just stop taking it after taking the 2nd tablet, I guess.

After a few days, I go back to Albert S. Ang again complaining the little left area numbness of my back, he prescribed me Celebrex (celecoxib) 200mg a day, telling to stop that medication right away once the pain goes away and if I experience some lower left abdomen ache by taking it, consult a psychiatrist before going back.

A month ago, I experienced some uncomfortable feelings on my neck like it's being taped making me to self-medicate and take Neurobion Forte for a relieve. When I'm on the time range of taking the 5th to 8th tablet, I experience a lower left abdomen ache again, just ignoring it believing it was just a gas on my lower abdomen, then after a day, I experience a lower back pain, and some very little numbness on the metatarsal of my fourth toe.

I plan to consult back to Gerry C. Tan but ended up to a family physician Maria Victoria D. Marbibi, showing all my medical test results. She mentioned to repeat my MRI and ultrasound tests. At the end, she told me before she prescribe me Pantoprazole + Domperidone and 7 pieces of Myonal tab 50mg, 1 tablet a day, to never take a medicine without the prescription of a doctor because of my kidney. Unfortunately, a single Pantoprazole + Domperidone gave me nervousness then after a day a heart palpitation.

I go to back to cardiologist Gerry C. Tan and tell him a story about my previous issue. He just keep interrupting me and request a holter monitor test. I just start taking Myonal after showing him Dr. Marbibi's prescription. While I'm taking Myonal and wearing Holter monitor, a right back pain and then later right chest pain occurs.

I go back to cardiologist Gerry C. Tan with the result and his report, and then Pantopraz and Arcoxia had been prescribed to me by Gerry C. Tan, then I said "But doc, not a medicine that will make the lower left of my abdomen hurt." because that's keep happening when I'm taking something, he knows that. He seems not to worry at all telling me to "Just not to think too much."

I think, a strong painkiller couldn't be given to someone with a lower left abdomen issue when taking medicine without proper diagnostic. Sadly, too late to be knew..

  1. While taking those medications, I experience a little of lower left abdomen ache again, thinking that it's just a gas on my abdomen because I'm sometimes farting.

  2. On the fourth day of taking medications as prescribed by cardiologist Gerry C. Tan, after breakfast and taking Propranolol and Pantopraz, I experience pain on the center top of abdomen and not feeling well, and think if I'll still take Arcoxia. After 4–5 hours, the lower left of my abdomen was very hurt, making my walk limping and decided not to take Arcoxia. My lower left abdomen was not feeling well for about two days.

  3. After two days, I go back to cardiologist Gerry C. Tan and he requested another whole abdomen ultrasound and replied me to continue Pantopraz.

    • I came to the ultrasound room of San Juan de Dios Hospital (Pasay) fasted 8 hours, early in the morning. Jonalyn B. Glima was the assigned radiologic technologist. This time, she allowed me to pee.

    • When I'm now on their 2nd ultrasound table lying down, she asked me if I have a record on them, and she asked when, she then check my record before proceeding the 1st scan.

    • After the first scan, she ask me just to sit while laying on their table, and ask me to drink, I ask how many, she just replied "Just the amount that you can" and said "Let's just wait here." We just waited for a couple of seconds, then the doctor start to scan my gallbladder but it's still not full, then they allow me to leave and come back when I feel that I need to pee.

    • I drink all that I can but not as many as the amount that I drank on my first and intentionally error ultrasound procedure. After I go back, it's much like that the 2nd ultrasound procedure might end up like the previous one, I just learn how to complain. The big difference are the doctor was there and not in rush, and I guess my gallbladder can handle the water that I drank.

      • I still saw some patients that were holding their urine for too long. The 1st one was asking to be their turn while holding his urine, the staff was just replying there's still a patient inside.

      • The 2nd person that I saw was running to their comport room after her gallbladder scan.

  4. My 2nd whole abdomen ultrasound result shows that I now have an "ECHOGENIC RENAL PARENCHYMA, CONSIDERED BILATERAL RENAL PARENCHYMAL DISEASE".

  5. Upon going back to Gerry C. Tan the one who take for granted the situation of my left lower abdomen, this malpractitioner told me that there's no cure for that, just told me that the treatment for this are to reduce my salty and oily intakes and re-scan my kidney every after 6 months.

    • He ask me if I want to proceed a 2D echo, he acted like he's scanning his left kidney. I just said "No, I don't have money", he just replied "Hehe".

    • He then referred me to a nephrology. I then go back after a day, to get a charity letter for a nephrology, he just gave me a referral to their out patient. [REFERRALS]

    • After this disaster, I'm feeling so fatigue and trying to force myself to get up for about a few days, that might be my body responses on the medical harm that's caused by the previous medications.

After going to their outpatient and talking to their staff, the staff referred me to their surgery. After some processes, a surgery doctor just referred me to their medicine, those doctors didn't want to mention that I got a chronic kidney disease. After a day and another processes, their reliever medicine doctor requested me some lab tests and ABG.



Upon my follow-up with a different reliever medicine doctor, we talk, he told that he's not looking on the ultrasound result's "IMPRESSION", he's looking on measurement, and just ended up being requested to make a follow-up checkup within 1 year and to drink water.

  • On August 31 to September 1 2019. I got cold and wasn't feeling well, it's impossible for me to buy my night dinner on August 31 as going outside was very cold deep to my bone.

  • Around October-November of 2019, my otitis media with effusion have returned back. And around November, specially from 8 to 16, I get so much dizzy. Making me consult back on Friday of 15, and just prescribed by 10 tablets of Betahistine 24mg, 2 times a day as needed for dizziness.

  • I also now experiencing some abdominal pains, specially on the lower left and on the lower right, since the medication error.

  1. The ultrasound service' staffs of San Juan de Dios Hospital (Pasay) have a habit of making their peeing patients ignored whatever they wanted. The radiologic technologist Jonah B. Ybañez made it to the next level by requiring to their patients to drink all 1000 ML of water and making their radiologist values ahead of their patients.

  2. It could be because their malpractitioner radiologist Ronald G. Yebes wasn't there? They can really do whatever they want, even leaving their processing patients or to come too late. I don't know if he still have conscience for his patients.

  3. And because of the arrogance and easy-to-be-annoyed attitude of cardiologist Gerry C. Tan, he's carelessly prescribing his patients without taking care of their situations, even taking for granted what other doctor's saying and what his patient's saying. He's committing multiple mistakes, see my Norgestic Forte prescription, it was originally written to have 100 tablets but have overwritten when I ask so.

  4. If only the greedy managements of San Juan de Dios Hospital (Pasay) didn't allowing their service providers to do whatever they want, they would never harm a patient. Anyway, they don't even care.. $$$

What a horrible patient experience. I got harmed by the ultrasound service of San Juan de Dios Hospital (Pasay) and got prescribed with high dosage of medications without proper evaluation why the center-left side of my lower abdomen was aching when taking pain reliever and other medication since my 1st ultrasound test was proceed.

No matter how careful you are, whatever hard work you do, as long as there are such malpractitioners, the radiologic technologist Jonah B. Ybañez, radiologist Ronald G. Yebes, cardiologist Gerry C. Tan and those who taught and allowed that radiologic technologist to perform such harming ultrasound scan, are undisabled, they might ruined another patient life.